49 states report jumps in unemployment.

by Ted

NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) — “The unemployment rate jumped last month in 49 states, with Michigan leading the way, the U.S. government reported on Friday. Nebraska was the only state to escape rising joblessness.”

Seven states are reporting unemployment rates over 10%:  Michigan (12%), South Carolina (11%), Oregon (10.8%), North Carolina (10.7%), California and Rhode Island (10.5% each), and Nevada (10.1%).

Unemployment increased by at least one percentage point in every single state and the District of Columbia.

In the last year, South Carolina has lost 88,700 jobs, the S.C. Employment Security Commission reported. The biggest losses have been seen in construction, -10,400, a 9% decline; manufacturing, -23,500, down 9.5%; trade, transportation and utilities, -19,000, down 5.1%; and professional and business services, -16,200, down 7.3%.

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