IRS updates Q&A on the COBRA reduction act.

by Ted

More information on the COBRA reduction act can be found on the IRS web site.,,id=204708,00.html

There are now four sections of questions covering:

Much of the material here was updated on 3/19/09.

Important Highlight:

Q. Does a COBRA premium assistance credit reduce an employer’s payroll tax liabilities when determining whether $100,000 in liabilities has accumulated for deposit purposes?

A. The credit is treated like a payment of payroll taxes and is applied as a deposit made on the first day of the quarter. It does not reduce an employer’s tax liabilities for purposes of determining the employer’s deposit schedule generally or applying the $100,000 deposit rule specifically. However, since the credit is applied as a deposit, a required deposit can be reduced by the amount of the credit. For example, if an employer accumulates $110,000 of liabilities and has a $20,000 subsidy credit, the employer must still deposit the next day under the $100,000 rule, but is only required to deposit $90,000. (03/19/09)

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