Quarterly W-2 Reporting in 2011?

by Ted

The President’s 2011 Budget proposes to restructure the Federal wage reporting process by reverting to quarterly wage reporting. Currently, wages are reported to the Federal Government once a year. Increasing the timeliness of wage reporting would enhance tax administration, improve program integrity for a range of programs, and facilitate implementation of automatic workplace pensions. The […]

IRS updated FAQ on the HIRE Act

by Ted

http://www.irs.gov/businesses/small/article/0,,id=220746,00.html QR8: How does application of the payroll tax exemption to wages paid to restaurant employees affect the 45B credit? A-QR8: Certain food and beverage establishments can claim a credit under section 45B of the Internal Revenue Code for social security and Medicare taxes paid or incurred by the employer on certain employee tips, referred to […]